Wiki 68720 Life Time Benefit

Adkins, TX
Best answers
68720-LT was denied by the insurance as " This service is paid only once in a patient’s lifetime" . Does anyone know if CMS has a list of procedures that can only be performed Once in a lifetime?
The once-in-a-lifetime codes are usually removal of an organ, a test whose results will never change, or training that should not have to be done more than once. However, 68720, Dacryocystorhinostomy, is "a type of surgery done to create a new tear drain between your eyes and your nose. You may need this surgery if your own tear duct has become blocked. Your eyelids have two small openings that drain some of the tears covering your eye. Blinking pushes tears into these openings."

Why would you need to create a new tear drain if it has already been done once?

I found United's policy, but could not find one specific to Medicare: