Wiki Renal Stent placement


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We have a patient with RT renal artery stenosis, recurrent diastolic heart failure and uncontrolled HTN. Dr. did a right renal stent and abdominal aortogram. Codes inputed were 37236-RT and 75625 26,59 and the 99152.
Insurance paid everything but the 37236 claiming dx was incorrect. Can anyone tell me if this coding is incorrect and or suggest a correct dx code?
Thank you
We have a patient with RT renal artery stenosis, recurrent diastolic heart failure and uncontrolled HTN. Dr. did a right renal stent and abdominal aortogram. Codes inputed were 37236-RT and 75625 26,59 and the 99152.
Insurance paid everything but the 37236 claiming dx was incorrect. Can anyone tell me if this coding is incorrect and or suggest a correct dx code?
Thank you
That is the procedure code we use. I'm not sure which insurance you're billing but you might look at Article #A57590 for help with additional ICD-10 codes that support medical necessity when billing 37236.
You may need I15.1 - Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders for you Dx. I agree with the stent code, but you cannot code 75625 since the renal artery was selected. 75625 is bundled into 36251.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC