ICD-9 Codes Lookup

INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES, 9TH REVISION, CLINICAL MODIFICATION ICD-9-CM VOLUMES 1 & 2 (DIAGNOSES) is the code set used by Non-HIPAA covered entities (Workers’ Compensation and auto insurance companies) “that were not required to be converted to ICD-10. Auditors who are reviewing claims prior to 2015 and HCC Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment coders still need access to this extensive code set. Codify makes this easy to accomplish.

ICD-9-CM Volumes 1 and 2 represent the diagnosis/reason a procedure is done. The format for ICD-9 diagnoses codes is a decimal placed after the first three characters and two possible add-on characters following: xxx.xx. ICD-9 PCS were used to report procedures for inpatient hospital services from Volume 3, which represent procedures that were done at inpatient hospital facilities. Codify gives you ready access to these legacy codes making your audit work faster and more accurate.

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December 31, 1969
The Medicare Advantage organization says they are being held to unreasonable standards. Health Net of California Inc. was recently called out by the Office of Inspector General OIG for failing to subm... [ Read More ]
December 31, 1969
Reduce the clutter on your home page with one click. Codify offers a lot of tools on its home page but you dont always want all of them expanded at once. There is a simple way to maximize the tools yo... [ Read More ]
December 31, 1969
Strategies for unlocking a dialogue with physicians. As auditors we bridge the gap between medical coding accuracy and financial stability in healthcare organizations. Its our role to knock on the doo... [ Read More ]
December 31, 1969
Encourage patients to take stock of their relationship with alcohol. From Dry January and Dry July to Sober September and Sober October the monthlong abstinence trend of shunning alcohol has gained gr... [ Read More ]
December 31, 1969
Meet a member who never stops learning and growing. Each month AAPC selects a member who demonstrates exemplary leadership qualities. This month weve chosen Jennifer Lavoie RN CPC. Lavoie has enjoyed ... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="jdyoutsey, post: 314773, member: 178418"] E872 Failure of sterile precautions during procedure E903 Travel and motion E909 Cataclysmic earth surface movements and eruptions (if you plan to win... [ Read More ]
This is an awesome idea! I love it! I would stay away from the accidental falls. The ones in Roller Derby are usually pretty intentional. Here are some of my ideas: E872 Failure of sterile precaution... [ Read More ]