Wiki 36147


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Looking for help with codes for the following:
Using a micropuncture needle, the brachial artery was punctured and a wire was advanced. The micropuncture sheath was placed. 2000 units of IV heparin was administered. We then took an angiogram of the right brachial artery and distal brachial artery and bifurcation to confirm good arterial flow. We then shot multiple obliquities of the AV fistula. There was high grade stenosis just off the AV anastomosis. The rest of the fistula was imaged in stations moving up the arm. There were no other lesions. We did the central venogram as well.
Is this considered a direct puncture of the graft? Patient has a radiocephalic fistula. The doctor list in the title right upper extremity distal angiography.
Thanks for any input
Fistula is radiocephalic (Radial artery and Cephalic Vein) hence, it may not be considered as a direct puncture.

I would use 36140 and 75791.

Hope this helps!

Abdul Saleem CPC