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Is anyone aware of a change to the 75680 code and not being to bill IV push codes because they bundle? I can't find any information. We received a denial on
Is anyone aware of a change to the 75680 code and not being to bill IV push codes because they bundle? I can't find any information. We received a denial on
You have 75680 in one place and 75980 in the other, which do you mean?
Doesn't really matter though because neither code would be appropriate with 96375 and 96374.
If you mean 75680, you would code the appropriate cathetherization codes (probably 36215-59 and 36216) and those codes include the injection of contrast material.
If you meant 75980, that is S & I for biliary drainage and 47510 would be coded. If you also did a diagnostic cholangiogram you would code 47500 and 74320 or 47505 and 74305. You wouldn't code 96375/93674 since there are specific codes.