92980 transcather placement of and intracoronary stent.
+ 92981 each additional vessel.
92981 is an addon code for 92980. But there is a CCI edit stating that 92981 is a component of 92980 and a modifier is needed to differentiate between the services.
The add on code should not require a modifier.
Has anyone run into this denial? How were you able to resolve it? I would hate to have to appeal every claim.
+ 92981 each additional vessel.
92981 is an addon code for 92980. But there is a CCI edit stating that 92981 is a component of 92980 and a modifier is needed to differentiate between the services.
The add on code should not require a modifier.
Has anyone run into this denial? How were you able to resolve it? I would hate to have to appeal every claim.