Wiki Anesthesia Physical Status Modifiers


Springfield, IL
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Hello, I'm a Compliance Coding Auditor for a large group practice with an ASC. I'm currently auditing the ASC's anesthesia and have come across a question I cannot find the answer to nor supporting documentation.

In coding and billing of the "P" modifiers, does it only get appended to the MD claim or the CRNA's claim as well?
>The Medicare Claims processing manual only mentions "time reporting", I see nothing regarding the "P" modifiers, with the exception of our assigned MAC stating they are informational only and not reimbursed.

I'm looking for official documentation regarding the use of the "P" modifiers and which claim they would be appended to.
P1-P6 are modifiers specific to anesthesia that are assigned by the anesthesia provider and should be on all anesthesia claims.

Here is a link to the ASA's description of P modifiers and their usage:

I hope this helps.
Thank you very much! I've been to the ASA's site but couldn't locate what I needed until you sent me the link. This is extremely helpful and just what I needed :)

I appreciate it!

Best Regard,
P1-P6 are modifiers specific to anesthesia that are assigned by the anesthesia provider and should be on all anesthesia claims.

Here is a link to the ASA's description of P modifiers and their usage:

I hope this helps.

I hope that you don't mind that I pick your brain a little further as I'm learning. Regarding to "concurrency" of cases that a anesthesiologist can supervise being a max of 4 per CMS, have you found any Commercial carriers that follow this same policy or that have their own?


I hope that you don't mind that I pick your brain a little further as I'm learning. Regarding to "concurrency" of cases that a anesthesiologist can supervise being a max of 4 per CMS, have you found any Commercial carriers that follow this same policy or that have their own?

I have not. That's the standard regardless of payor.