Wiki breast biopsy

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I am taking a practice exam and the question is: female has biopsies of both breasts using fine-needle aspiration with imaging guidance. My answer: 19102-50. Correct answer: 10022-50. Can anyone explain why not using BREAST code? :confused:
CPT 10022 is for fine needle aspirations which is what was done in the exam question. 19102 uses a hollow core biopsy needle. Fine needle aspirations are codes 10021-10022. It is confusing but when you see fine needle use codes 10021-10022. :)
Different types of biopsies

Aspirating (taking fluid/cells) vs Core (removing of tissue).

Just one of those "gotcha" questions for not reading the full description of the codes.

Real world coding (NCCI/McKesson) both codes are wrong. Can't use a -50 on either of those codes.
breast biopsy answers

Thank you all so much for your great answers. I am writing A LOT OF INFORMATION in my CPT book. I appreciate you all so much!!!! What a great group of people that comment in this forum. !!!!
Thank you all for your answers. I am writing a lot of information in my CPT book. I appreciate all your help and I am impressed with the quick responses I get and all the helpful information!!