Wiki Client never cashed check, can I write it off?

Spokane, WA
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I have been unable to find any reliable sources to answer my question. My office sent out 2 small checks early 2019 for $5 and $12.79 to two separate clients that are no longer clients at our facility. They never cashed them so they're being voided, however, in my EHR system we posted the refund so now I am wondering if we are allowed to "write off" those two credits?

Thank you,

Morgan Bradley
Spokane, WA
Have you checked to see what your state's requirements are about unclaimed funds?

I know in my state if a check is uncashed, after a certain length of time it gets submitted to the state department of unclaimed funds.

I actually ended up with $9 on my state's unclaimed funds list, because a unbeknownst to me a dentist had mailed me a refund check at an old address. When they couldn't find a current address for me, they had to follow my state's unclaimed funds procedure.