I have nurse practitioners that visit patients in nursing facilities. Pts may not be able to respond due to dementia, alzheimer's, etc.
I'm looking for specific guidelines to best code E&Ms when information is unobtainable from pt.
Any ideas??
From the E&M guidelines, it states that if the phys is unable to obtain a hx from pt or other source, then the record should be noted as such. My question is, what level? In research I've found many say it's comprehensive, but I haven't found anything from CMS that states that.
I'm looking for specific guidelines to best code E&Ms when information is unobtainable from pt.
Any ideas??
From the E&M guidelines, it states that if the phys is unable to obtain a hx from pt or other source, then the record should be noted as such. My question is, what level? In research I've found many say it's comprehensive, but I haven't found anything from CMS that states that.
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