CPC-A® Designation to Continue... For Now
At the recommendation of the National Advisory Board (NAB), AAPC leadership released a proposal in January to eliminate the "A" designation. As a result, we received hundreds of comments from members and spent a good deal of time carefully reviewing each of them.
67% did not agree with the proposal, surprisingly including many CPC-As. Of the 33% that did agree, a large percentage wanted to see modifications to the proposal made first, yet many of those recommendations conflicted strongly with other comments. Notably, there appeared to be little appetite for an additional exam of operative note coding.
While we still believe a resume indicating the experience level of an individual should speak for itself, AAPC expects CPC® coders to be able to perform not only in an exam setting but also demonstrate coding experience (or an ability to code real-world cases) before receiving the full CPC® credential.
Consequently, until an alternative solution can be developed to eliminate the "A" designation, yet still preserve the standards the CPC® represents, the CPC-A® designation will continue... for now.
At the recommendation of the National Advisory Board (NAB), AAPC leadership released a proposal in January to eliminate the "A" designation. As a result, we received hundreds of comments from members and spent a good deal of time carefully reviewing each of them.
67% did not agree with the proposal, surprisingly including many CPC-As. Of the 33% that did agree, a large percentage wanted to see modifications to the proposal made first, yet many of those recommendations conflicted strongly with other comments. Notably, there appeared to be little appetite for an additional exam of operative note coding.
While we still believe a resume indicating the experience level of an individual should speak for itself, AAPC expects CPC® coders to be able to perform not only in an exam setting but also demonstrate coding experience (or an ability to code real-world cases) before receiving the full CPC® credential.
Consequently, until an alternative solution can be developed to eliminate the "A" designation, yet still preserve the standards the CPC® represents, the CPC-A® designation will continue... for now.