Wiki CPC requirements

Land O Lakes, FL
Best answers

I joined recenly in AAPC and I am thinking to take CPC exam in June.I have 2 yrs of job experience in coding in India.Right now I am in US and am not working.So I am worried about the letters that i should submit to AAPC for my exam.I have work experience letter stating
I have 2 yrs experience from my employer.would that be enough or I must have a recommendation letter from them?what else should I submit?Could anyone please help me?
Contact AAPC directly

The best place to get definitive answers to these kinds of questions is directly from AAPC.
This site is a forum for members to offer advice/opinion on various coding issues. While we are more than willing to help, we can't give you the official response that you need.

At the top of this page is a blue hyperlink - Contact Us - click that link (at the TOP of the page, NOT in this message) and follow the directions to contact AAPC directly.

Hope that helps

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC