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I have a pa that seen a patient for a dislocated rt 5th finger pip joint, 2cm laceration with a chip fracture. What cpt codes would you use for this. She did not fix the dislocation the primary care doctor did that.
Did the PA do anything or did he go and tell the doctor and they treated the patient? If that's the case the PA cannot charge anything. If the PA saw the patient and it was beyond his capabilities from evaluating them and then turned the patient over to the doctor, the PA can bill an office visit for the evaluation.
12001 for the laceration repair unless it was an intermediate repair then it would be 12031. For the fracture I would need more info. What did the PA do for the fracture? Did he apply a splint? Could you possibly post the dictated chart note without the dr's or PA's name on it?
The dictation is a follows: X-ray is obtained of the right finger and there is complete dilocation of the 5th finger at the PIP joint. I had doctor___ come n and he was able to put it back in place. We then re-x-rayed again. It was in good positioning, but she does have a chip fracture at the proxima aspect of the medial phalanx. Neurovascular is intact to the finger. I did inflitrate the area around the laceration with 2% xylocaine. I then closed the laceration using 4-0 ethilon. I achieved good approsimation of the skin edges. Thanks for looking at this for me.