I have NO ortho experience so I am appealing to you ortho coders:
When billing for fracture care in the office one of our ortho providers bills an E/M with modifier 57 and then the code for the fracture care. (ex: 99213-57 and 27530) Our billing system does not like the modifier 57 and wants a modifier 25 used. The provider is insisting that since the fracture care has a 90 day global period that modifier 57 should be used. I need to know which modifier is correct, and where I can find the documentation to support the answer.
Thanks so much!
When billing for fracture care in the office one of our ortho providers bills an E/M with modifier 57 and then the code for the fracture care. (ex: 99213-57 and 27530) Our billing system does not like the modifier 57 and wants a modifier 25 used. The provider is insisting that since the fracture care has a 90 day global period that modifier 57 should be used. I need to know which modifier is correct, and where I can find the documentation to support the answer.
Thanks so much!