Wiki ED coding question

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Hi everyone,

I have a coding case below that need some clarification. Thank you.

A 16 year old patient comes to the ED/ER with a 4 cm laceration of the right hand due to a knife (while preparing food). Active bleeding is noted. The wound is cleansed with saline and examined. The decision is made to repair the wound/laceration with sutures.
Procedure: The wound was infiltrated with lidocaine as a local anesthetic. The physician uses nylon sutures to close the single-layer, simple 4-cm laceration without incident. Steri-strips are applied to the skin. The patient is given an injection of tetanus in the right arm and another injection of antibiotics SQ.
Assign the correct CPT code(s):

Do I need to code for injection? If yes, what is the code? Is modifier 59 needed?
Much Thanks.

This sounds like a test question. An antibiotic administered SQ seems odd but whether SQ or IM, the code is the same - 96372. Modifier -59 should be appended to a subq/IM injection with a wound repair code. 90471 is the tetanus administration code.