Please see if this is correct as I have never coded an ELG
Obtained informed consent. on bilateral femoral artery area, we had a cut down procedure by dr. _______________who secured the arteries. We place two 6-french sheaths in the right femoral artery with direct antegrade needlestick. the abdominal aortography was done with a 5-french pigtail catheter with markers. the placements of the renal arteries were identified. the placement of the catheter _______ and criteria are re-evaluated and compared to the CT scan. We then went on and over an Amplatzer wire, brought an 18-french sheath in the infrarenal area. we chose an ipsilateral endoluminal graft which was 23 mm at the proximal end and 14.5 mm at the distal end arteries. weh then went on for contralateral cannulation and brough the pigtail that was placed earlier in the aorta through the 6-french sheath in the left femoral artery and plced it in the _____________contralateral gate area. i was able to be into the contraleral gate with no difficulties. the catheteres were exchanged for a 12-frenceh sheath on the lest side. at distal we went on and brought a 14.5mm in diameter contralateral sheath/endoluminal graft and placed it into the gated area. this was a 10 cm length endoluminal graft. we then went and brought a Q50 balloon and post-dilated the entire grat area. Repeat angiography was done. Slight leak. We ballooned againd and this time less of leak, but still present. distally it is about 3 mm to 5 mm, which was seen previously as well on the pre endoluminal graft insertion angiogram.. Appears nonsignificant., etc.
Throughout the course of the ordeal, the patient receive intravenous heprin by Dr. Tasset. We closed the arteriotmy sites.
I am not sure whether we get the 34812 with a modifier 62.
and do i put modifier 62 on all the codes.
thanks i am really new to cardiology.
Obtained informed consent. on bilateral femoral artery area, we had a cut down procedure by dr. _______________who secured the arteries. We place two 6-french sheaths in the right femoral artery with direct antegrade needlestick. the abdominal aortography was done with a 5-french pigtail catheter with markers. the placements of the renal arteries were identified. the placement of the catheter _______ and criteria are re-evaluated and compared to the CT scan. We then went on and over an Amplatzer wire, brought an 18-french sheath in the infrarenal area. we chose an ipsilateral endoluminal graft which was 23 mm at the proximal end and 14.5 mm at the distal end arteries. weh then went on for contralateral cannulation and brough the pigtail that was placed earlier in the aorta through the 6-french sheath in the left femoral artery and plced it in the _____________contralateral gate area. i was able to be into the contraleral gate with no difficulties. the catheteres were exchanged for a 12-frenceh sheath on the lest side. at distal we went on and brought a 14.5mm in diameter contralateral sheath/endoluminal graft and placed it into the gated area. this was a 10 cm length endoluminal graft. we then went and brought a Q50 balloon and post-dilated the entire grat area. Repeat angiography was done. Slight leak. We ballooned againd and this time less of leak, but still present. distally it is about 3 mm to 5 mm, which was seen previously as well on the pre endoluminal graft insertion angiogram.. Appears nonsignificant., etc.
Throughout the course of the ordeal, the patient receive intravenous heprin by Dr. Tasset. We closed the arteriotmy sites.
I am not sure whether we get the 34812 with a modifier 62.
and do i put modifier 62 on all the codes.
thanks i am really new to cardiology.