Find the proof
Do what your boss is asking. Find the proof of what a CPC in the same area makes. Check the AAPC salary surveys, most recent and past, and compare that info to your salary history.
It is not uncommon for an employer to be clueless as to what a reasonable salary might be, especially if it's a new position or an employee, such as yourself, who is specifically certified in an area.
If you can't find enough info locally, goggle it online and present those findings as well. The more you find, the better off you are.
I am certified and this was new to my employer. They did the salary comparison and I receive an $8,000 per year raise! It just never hurts to do some research and give them what they are asking for!
I have been lucky enough to work for employers that will realize a good employee and will come up with the cash to keep them! They don't see this on their own, and you sometimes have to "show" them!
Some of us may never feel we get paid what we are worth, but as long as we are in that position, we need to do the work for the salary we did accept when we were hired. Of course if you can't live on that amount or feel you deserve more, then do what those above have written.........start looking for a new job!
Good luck!