Wiki Exicional Biopsy left gouty tophus, left quadriceps tendon with quad repair


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Hi all!
Needed some help in coding this? Would I code 27310? What about the repair would that be inclusive since it is due to the excision? Thank you .
Procedure Performed: Excisional Biopsy left gouty tophus, left quad tendon with quad repair
Code 27310 is for an arthrotomy. In this case the joint capsule was not opened. Look at code 27372. You are correct, if the physician cuts tendons to get to the needed area, the repair is going to be included. If the doctor cuts it, the doctor repairs it.
Code 27310 is for an arthrotomy. In this case the joint capsule was not opened. Look at code 27372. You are correct, if the physician cuts tendons to get to the needed area, the repair is going to be included. If the doctor cuts it, the doctor repairs it.
Thank you!!!