Wiki Hardware question

Hixson, TN
Best answers
patient had osteotomy (25350) a month ago, patient's hardware became loose. Doctor removed old hardware, re-driled and directed new hardware. what would you bill?
For removal of the hardware is 20680, now for the replacement portion it all depends on what the op note states.

Hope this helps.
If you could give us an exerpt from the op note to show how the replacement was done, then we can get you an answer on the needed code, but as Connie said, the removal is 20680. :0)
post - operative dx - Loose screws

the dorsal and proximal incisions were opened down to the tissue, tendons were retracted, two screws were removed, the same holes were re-drilled and directed, 2 screws were replaced. Irrigation was done, the skin was closed.

that is all the operative report states.

Patient had osteotomy 4 weeks ago, hardware started to loosen but is not ready to be fully removed.

I know the code for removal, my question is, would it be correct to give him removal when he only removed to replace and will in about 3-6 weeks be brought back to the OR for actual permanent removal of the hardware?