Wiki high risk due to comorbidities

Christoval, TX
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If a physician documents that the patient is high risk due to the comorbidities, does this automatically meet a comprehensive level of an E&M even though the elements meet a moderate complexity E&M? All of the comorbidities are stable.
High Risk

When you say that the E/M is moderate because of all the elements I am assuming you are referring to the exam so that leaves the MDM, "if" this is an established patient. So next my question would be how complex was this visit? How many comorbidities is he managing/treating? And "what" are the comorbidities? What guidelines are used for E/M? 95/97? Or, when you say "elements" do you mean the entire level of service, Hx-Ex-MDM was Moderate? As is, the answer to your question would be "No" because I have no clue what the comorbidities are, so to be fair I would need to know a little more before I can give you a lucrative answer.
Terri Durham, CPC