Hospitalist Auditor
Expert Coder available for audit of hospitalist practice. Please see CV.
Arlene is the owner and Principal Consultant with Yergler Consulting, Inc. She has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry. After leaving clinical nursing, she was employed by CIGNA Medicare, the Medicare Carrier for North Carolina, both as a Policy Analyst and as Manager of the Medical Review team. While with Medicare, she was a frequent presenter at the North Carolina Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee meetings. After leaving Medicare. Arlene was a Clinical Consultant with Larson Allen-Cherry Bekaert, LLP in Charlotte, NC. She also has been employed by Bloodhound, Inc as Team Lead of Clinical Content. More recently she held the position of Manager of Audit Services with Health Management Resources, Inc. A diploma nursing graduate, Arlene achieved her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro. In 1998, she was awarded a Master in Public Health from the same university. In addition to being licensed as a Registered Nurse, she has achieved the accreditation of Certified Professional Coder with the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC). In addition, the AAPC has designated Arlene as an approved instructor to teach the Professional Medical Coding Curriculum course. Currently, Arlene is a adjunct instructor with Western Piedmont Community College.
Arlene has worked as an independent coding contractor on a variety of projects including coding, documentation, reimbursement and other compliance issues for medical practices in the state of North Carolina and other states as well. In addition, the North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB) regularly contracts with Arlene when physician complaints include a coding component. She has also served as an expert witness for the NCMB.
Member of:
American Academy of Professional Coders
Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Honorary