Wiki hysterectomy - I have a laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy


Templeton, PA
Best answers
I have a laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy. Uterus, cervix, tubes and ovaries weighing 270 grams. Can I code 58554 or is this code only for the uterus weighing over 250 grams?
That's the best code available because the uterus was greater than the 250g.


Are you saying the uterus was 270 gm or the uterus, tubes, and ovaries was 270 gm? I was confused reading this. The 58554 would be if the uterus weighed 270 grams, not a total of all the removed organs. The path report should stipulate the weight if the OP report does not.
270G was for everything. This came from the path report since it wasn't in the op report but the path report combined everything in the weight.
if it is not clearly stated in the path report that the Uterus weighed more then 250g then you have to use 58552. I had this same issue and the Doctors had to have a meeting with the pathology department to make sure they weighed the uterus as a seperate component. good luck
chris gilmer cpc