Debridement always leaves me guessing on the correct code. I would so appreciate someones assistance with the following procedure.
preop diag: elbow laceration with cellulitis
postop diag: elbow abscess
Elbow I&D and wound exploration
Prior suture was removed and wound opened, abundant purulence superficially was noted. Wound debrided and irrigated under pulsatile lavage w/ 300 cc crystalloid. Wound then explored, there did not appear to be purulence in the joint or penetration to the joint. Laceration distally extended and again would debrided, and irrigated under pulsatile lavage to a total of 900 more cystalloid. JP drain placed and sutur was used to loosely close wound....
preop diag: elbow laceration with cellulitis
postop diag: elbow abscess
Elbow I&D and wound exploration
Prior suture was removed and wound opened, abundant purulence superficially was noted. Wound debrided and irrigated under pulsatile lavage w/ 300 cc crystalloid. Wound then explored, there did not appear to be purulence in the joint or penetration to the joint. Laceration distally extended and again would debrided, and irrigated under pulsatile lavage to a total of 900 more cystalloid. JP drain placed and sutur was used to loosely close wound....