Wiki Is it appropriate to code IVs with I&D same encounter

Litchfield, OH
Best answers
Trying to interpret the 59 modifier rules. Would like information on coding IVPs, med infusions, and IM injections on the same encounter as a procedure such as I&D, lac repair, fracture reduction, splint application, foreign body removal. Would you consider separate session if the IV was performed a certain period of time before or after the procedure? Any links would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Try to always remember that the -59 modifier is the "unbundling" modifier, which means that procedures that are normally included in one another are being broken down into two separate, identifiable procedures. It is safe to say that a foreign body removal and an injection of zofran aren't normally coded together, so they wouldn't need a -59 modifier. Does that make sense? Injections & infusions are always tricky when done along with another procedure and each situation is different.

Also, always check your CCI edits. I keep a link to them right on my desktop so whenever there is any doubt, I can check there first. But, remember...they are also a quarter behind so any new developments/rules/changes happening in the last quarter will not show in the edits yet. I hope that I have not succeeded in confusing you more. You can always google the use of the -59 modifier and I'm sure you'll get plenty of information that will be helpful. And, if you do a search within all of the posts on this website, they will lead you to a number of posts regarding this modifier. I hope I helped a little!!