Wiki Local Chapter Meetings


Pawtucket, RI
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I'd like to hear from others what their local chapters do for their meetings. Do you have guest speakers? Audio tapes? Do you do anything fun as part of your meetings or any sort of annual event? Thanks - you're a great group of coders!
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I know the Tacoma WA chapter has a lot of speakers or tapes. Just recently they had "game night" and played some coding games for prizes. I think it would also be fun to try doing a potluck dinner sometime! I would like to know what other chapters do also!:)
chapter meetings

As president elect of the RI chapter I also am very interested in
A. what other chapters do and
B. what people would like to see at their meetings.
Okay is late I am exhausted
Good night all
Linda K:)
Our chapter has a wide variety of things to offer, but we're lucky in that we have a very active chapter too. we have our members do alot of our presentations. We also have physicians come in and guest speak as well as nurse practitioners and such. Its nice when they do this as a "co-presenter" and team up with a coder to address coding specifics as they discuss the clinical aspects. We also look to other health care agencies that would like to come and discuss specific reimbursement issues, such as pain management (pumps and such).

We also offer some of the audio conferences put on by AAPC.

We have panel discussions sometimes too - more so on general topics such as compliance and audit.

we have fun things scheduled like banquets, we honor our state coders day, and try to have door prizes at each meeting. Those can be coding books or other fun give aways too if you are lucky enough to find a meeting "sponsor". Hope these are helpful ideas for you - good luck.

KC chapter education officer
LC Meetings

We live in an area where many employers don't help with CEUs. We offer CEUs at almost every meeting. As one of the charter members of our chapter, I speak about 3-4 times per year. Usually, I do a presentation for the October diagnosis changes and for the January CPT/HCPCS changes and another one or two in between.

In January and July, we have a round table discussion and cover the Self-Tests from the previous 6 months Coding Edge magazines. This gives us an opportunity to discuss topics with which we are not familiar and also gives us an idea of what topics we may wish to have presented at our chapter meetings.
My daughter in law is wanting to become a CPC, she is living in Harrisonburg Va and i was wondering if there was someone that she could contact down there so she can check it out.