I've been working through many practice exams in preparation for my CPC Exam on Nov. 15th. I'd like to run a practice question by you regarding the use of modifier 25.
Jane has a family hx of skin melanoma. Her PCP asked for a consult with a dermatologist named Dr. John. Dr. John documented what worked out to be a comprehensive exam, and medical decision making of moderate complexity. He also performed a whole body integumentary photography for monitoring of Jane's skin. He sent a report back to her PCP and told Jane that she should return in one year or before then if anything should change on her skin. What code(s) would you use to report Dr. John's services?
a. 99244-25, 96904
b. 99213
c. 96904
d. 99204, 96904
According to the answer key, the answer is "a".
My question? How can Dr. John code with -25? According to what I have been studying and according to the description of -25 in the CPT book, it must be the same physician doing an unrelated E/M service.
Thanks for your help.
JoAnne Stockbower