Wiki Need CPT for throat surgeries starting with laryngoscopy/bx and I&D with 2 follow up visits on separate days for bleed in pharynx and additional bx


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
MD does laryngoscopy with biopsy on throat and I&D of abscess/phlegmon
Patient develops bleeding.
Patient brought back to OR later on same day for cautery for bleeding at biopsy site.
Patient brought back NEXT day for more bleeding at biopsy site which is again cauterized and oversewn. A second biopsy is done at this time.
What would the CPT codes be for these 3 trips to OR?
thank you
Day One: 42720 for I&D abscess, 31536-51 Microdirect Laryngoscopy If doc uses a scope) along with
Later on Day One: 42960/42961 for oropharyngeal hemorrhage. (Add modifier 78)
Day Two: 42962-78 Control or oropharyngeal hemorrhage with secondary surgical intervention and 31536-51 (again if using a scope).