Does anybody have familiarity with CPT 97802-97804 and/or S9452/G0270/G0271?
We are a family practice office and recently decided to add a life style consultant. As of right now, a medical assistant is performing the service and she is a certified lifestyle educator. The services include: consultation about nutrition, exercise supplementation, and overall wellness.
When reading the description for the above codes, it does not state whether the person advising needs to be registered or licensed?
If any body has any advice on this subject, please let me know or provide me with some contact information so I can call and get more information.
We are a family practice office and recently decided to add a life style consultant. As of right now, a medical assistant is performing the service and she is a certified lifestyle educator. The services include: consultation about nutrition, exercise supplementation, and overall wellness.
When reading the description for the above codes, it does not state whether the person advising needs to be registered or licensed?
If any body has any advice on this subject, please let me know or provide me with some contact information so I can call and get more information.
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