Wiki Of Visit post Delivery


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Hello, everyone !
I need help proparly coding the following senario:

Dr. delivers a SERVICE ptn in the hospital. Afterwards ptn sched. an office visit w/in6 wks post delivery. BUT, the ptn was never seen by this DR before and this is her Initial off visit. During the appointment (in addition to all the postpartum services rendered) ptn GYN history was collected and a full check up was conducted.
Also PAP smear was collected- Q0091 -v76.19
and a Breast?pelvic Exam Done- G0101-v76.2
Can we bill New ptn E&M 9920...(appropriate level) ??? and what the appropriate Dx Code would be???

Thanks in advance.
If pt has no face to face with this MD or associated clinic/office in the last 3 yrs, then she is considered a new pt. I believe that you would need a modifier on the E&M code if she came in for something other than the pap. If she is a Medicare pt you would use these codes . Some other payers may pay for them.