Wiki Ophthalmology Eye Components


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As a part of our Compliance Committee, I review charts to make sure our physicians are compliant with their documentation. Recently, we have had a discussion about how many components are required for the comprehensive eye codes (92004 or 92014) versus the intermediate eye codes (92002 or 92012). As a second part of this, we had originally grouped iris and pupil together but stated that both had to be reported in order for it to count as one component. Can anyone provide a guide or an auditing tool for the eye codes?

Any help would be appreciated.

Everything I have read indicates that 8 out of the following 11 must be performed in order to qualify for a comprehensive exam (92014).
1. Test visual acuity (does not include refraction)
2. Confrontation visual fields
3. Eyelids and adnexa
4. Ocular motility
5. Pupils/iris
6. Cornea (requires slit lamp)
7. Anterior chamber (requires slit lamp)
8. Lens (requires slit lamp)
9. Conjunctiva (requires slit lamp)
10. Intraocular pressure
11. Ophthalmoscopic exam
As for the (92012) you will need only seven or fewer of the above elements.
We address both the pupils and iris in our examinations. Hope this helps.