Can anyone help to make sure that we are coding these correctly:
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: Cephalgia, cervical radiculopathy, and neck pain.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: P-STIM device placement and programming of P-STIM device.
DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE: The patient was brought into the operating room. He was placed on the operating room table. The right mastoid process and ear were prepped and draped in the usual sterile surgical fashion. Using the P-STIM electrical stylet, three points of maximal electrical stimulation were elicited. These were marked on the ear. At this point, three microelectrodes were percutaneously implanted along these previously marked sites. The P-STIM battery and generator were then opened and activated. The P-STIM generator was then affixed to the right mastoid process in a percutaneous manner. Three leads were then attached to the microelectrodes again percutaneously. A sterile dressing was now applied. The P-STIM electrical stylet was now used to perform final programming of this device.
Thank you!
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: Cephalgia, cervical radiculopathy, and neck pain.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: P-STIM device placement and programming of P-STIM device.
DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE: The patient was brought into the operating room. He was placed on the operating room table. The right mastoid process and ear were prepped and draped in the usual sterile surgical fashion. Using the P-STIM electrical stylet, three points of maximal electrical stimulation were elicited. These were marked on the ear. At this point, three microelectrodes were percutaneously implanted along these previously marked sites. The P-STIM battery and generator were then opened and activated. The P-STIM generator was then affixed to the right mastoid process in a percutaneous manner. Three leads were then attached to the microelectrodes again percutaneously. A sterile dressing was now applied. The P-STIM electrical stylet was now used to perform final programming of this device.
Thank you!