Percutaneous liver aspiration ??QUESTION??
Does anyone know how to code a liver aspiration that isn't done using a fine needle aspiration. It was performed percutaneously.
The report states:
"Informed written consent was obtained from the patient through a translator for a ultrasound-guided liver biopsy and aspiration. The patient was placed supine in the ultrasound suite and the right upper quadrant was prepped using sterile barrier technique.
The skin was anestetized with lidocaine and a small dermatotomy was made. An 18 gauge introduce needle was then inserted into the liver using ultrasound guidance and an image was saved. Approximately 12 cc is of light brown pus was aspirated.
The needle was withdrawn and hemostatsis was achieved. The fluid was sent for both cultures and cytology. Patient tolerated the procedure well."
The report states:
"Informed written consent was obtained from the patient through a translator for a ultrasound-guided liver biopsy and aspiration. The patient was placed supine in the ultrasound suite and the right upper quadrant was prepped using sterile barrier technique.
The skin was anestetized with lidocaine and a small dermatotomy was made. An 18 gauge introduce needle was then inserted into the liver using ultrasound guidance and an image was saved. Approximately 12 cc is of light brown pus was aspirated.
The needle was withdrawn and hemostatsis was achieved. The fluid was sent for both cultures and cytology. Patient tolerated the procedure well."
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