Wiki Physcian Assistant Billing & Coding


Roscommon, MI
Best answers
Does anyone do billing & coding for a physican's assistant? We are looking into hiring a PA and I would like to reseach the billing & coding guidlines.

Does anyone do billing & coding for a physican's assistant? We are looking into hiring a PA and I would like to reseach the billing & coding guidlines.



The practice I work for has 5 PA-C on staff, you can email me privately for specific questions.

My email is: or you can use this website to send me messages.

Look forward to hearing from you.
I am looking to find out if office is paid at a lower fee for a PA. Do you physicans do surgery or use PA's to assist other physicians? Do you know of any website's that I could research what a PA can & can not do?

Warren, MI
Reimbursement is less for PA's and CRNP's.

Look under the RBRVS on your MC carrier or CMS and look under the column labeled Assistant at Surgery and if the code has a "1" by it PA's will not be reimbursed, if there is a "2" then the PA will be reimbursed. Below is a list of what each indicator in the Assistant at Surgecy column means. For a full listing of what all the columns and their indicator numbers in the RBRVS mean you can go to, click on fee schedule, under 2008 fee schedules, click on "2008 Medicare Phyisican Fee Schedule database indicator file descriptors". You can purchase a book from Igenix, called RBRVS ....... But it can be downloaded/viewed free from CMS or your local Medicare carrier. My carrier list the spreadsheet now as fee schedule relative value file. I find it easier to safe in my documents so when I open it I am able to freeze frame the headings on the top of page as I search/find codes.

Assistant at SurgeryModifiers 80, 82, AS
0 Payment restrictions for assistants at surgery applies to this procedure unless supporting documentation is submitted to establish medical necessity.
1 Statutory payment restriction for assistants at surgery applies to this procedure. Assistant at surgery may not be paid.
2 Payment restriction for assistants at surgery does not apply to this procedure. Assistant at surgery may be paid.
9 Concept does not apply.

For information on nonphysician providers look in the Medicare Claims processing manual, Chapter 12 - Physicians/Nonphysician Practitioners

Hope this helps out. If you have any other questions send me a private message or email me


I am looking to find out if office is paid at a lower fee for a PA. Do you physicans do surgery or use PA's to assist other physicians? Do you know of any website's that I could research what a PA can & can not do?

Warren, MI