jbunni - I like your code - but could you also code the parts of the POEM'S syndrome they have?
P — polyneuropathy: nerve disease (numbness, tingling, and weakness of the hands and feet).
O — organomegaly: organ enlargement (liver, lymph nodes or spleen).
E — endocrinopathy: disease affecting hormone-producing glands (sexual development, metabolic functions, thyroid hormones, etc.).
M — monoclonal gammopathy or monoclonal plasma proliferative disorder: a collection of abnormal blood protein cells.
S — skin changes: increased skin pigment, increased body hair, thickening of the skin, whitening of the nails, etc.
To receive a diagnosis of POEMS syndrome, patients must experience at least the "P" and the "M" as well as either sclerotic (scarring) bone lesions or Castleman disease, a coexisting condition. Patients will typically have at least one other feature (the "O", "E", or "S") as well as some abnormalities listed below.