Wiki Prescription Drug Management, denied by patient, still count?

Flushing, NY
Best answers
Dr. offers to write a script for a prescription that will help alleviate patient symptoms. Patient denies the script because they don't want to take the medication. Does this still count under prescription drug management since the Dr. suggested it as a course of treatment?
You posted another question regarding risk of surgery. My answer would be the same.

The patient does not have to agree to treatment to count for risk.

From AMA guide (my emphasis added)
  • The risk of complications, morbidity, and/or mortality of patient management decisions made at the visit, associated with the patient’s problem(s), the diagnostic procedure(s), treatment (s). This includes the possible management options selected and those considered, but not selected, after shared medical decision making with the patient and/or family. For example, a decision about hospitalization includes consideration of alternative levels of care. Examples may include a psychiatric patient with a sufficient degree of support in the outpatient setting or the decision to not hospitalize a patient with advanced dementia with an acute condition that would generally warrant inpatient care, but for whom the goal is palliative treatment