Please tell me how you would handle this.
CC-Annual Review
HPI_ The patient is a 68-year-old white female that presents today for her annual physical. She was recently seen by another EP physician for eval of palpitations. Workup included a nuclear stress test, echocardiogram, and Holter. She was prescribed proapfenoneprn for symptomatic palpitations. Pt has not taken any yet as she is concerned about side effects. Some of her palpitations apparently associated with near syncope. No chest pain or other concerning neurolgical sx's. Pt's ACE inhibitor has been reduced over the past one year..She is on a alpha blocker per urology. She was also told to take doxazosin "the rest of her life". EKG with RBBB and LAFB. She continues to smoke. No headaches, paresthesias, weakness, dysarthria, or incontinence.
Pt. declines any mammograms or vaccines.
List of current Medication-I will not list because of the amount.
Past medical/Surgical Hx
Reported: Pregnancy" Gravida 3, para 3, and aborta 0.
Hypertension, GERD, IBS, Menopause approx 41 yrs of age-partial hysterectomy, hyperlipidemia, thyroid disorder s/p FNA, asthritis, anxiety disorder NOS, cancer squamous cell excised from rt thigh. Possible colovaginal fistula with chronic constipation. She was evaluated by another physician but declined repair of fistula & colostomy.
Surgical HX-once again-numerous
Social and Family Hx also listed.
Complete ROS
Exam: Vitals
General: General appearance-no acut distress
Skin: No rahsed of lesions
HEENT: Pupils round and reactive to light Extraocular muscles intact. Oropharynx is clear without erythema or exudate. Edentulous other than two bottom teeth.
Neck: Supple. No JVD or adenopathy. Thyroid not enlarged. No carotid bruits.
Heart: Regular. Normal S1, S2. No murmurs, gallops or rubs.
Liung: Clear to auscultation and percussion.
Breast: No palpable masses, skin changes, or nipple discharge. Axilla benign.
Abdomen: Soft. minimal tenderness with deep palpation. no hepatosplenomegaly. Active bowel sounds.
Pelvic/Rectal Exam: Deferred
Extremities: No peripheral edema, cyanosis or clubbing. No calf tenderness. Distal pulses grossly intact.
Neurologic: no focal motor or sensory deficits.
Test:Imaging: Bone Density Studies: Bone density studies were preformed 1/13/11 IMC
Well female physical
Palpitations, osteopenia, neurogenic bladder on alpha blockers, hypertension, IFG, bifascicular block, possible colovaginal fistula, deferring surgical intervention. Hx of ileostomy status post reverdal 2002
List of previos test were given. Providers List provided. Health Reminders Done.
Ok, here is my problem(after all of that) Patient was given a lab order for CMP, Lipid panel, TSH, Free T4, CPK, CBC with dx:401.9, 272.4,300.00, 503.81, 733.90.
labs were paid to the patient's deductable and now the patient is calling and complaining that these should have been billed as "Routine" so her insurance would paid at 100%.
What is your take on this. Please let me know and Thanks for your help in this matter.
CC-Annual Review
HPI_ The patient is a 68-year-old white female that presents today for her annual physical. She was recently seen by another EP physician for eval of palpitations. Workup included a nuclear stress test, echocardiogram, and Holter. She was prescribed proapfenoneprn for symptomatic palpitations. Pt has not taken any yet as she is concerned about side effects. Some of her palpitations apparently associated with near syncope. No chest pain or other concerning neurolgical sx's. Pt's ACE inhibitor has been reduced over the past one year..She is on a alpha blocker per urology. She was also told to take doxazosin "the rest of her life". EKG with RBBB and LAFB. She continues to smoke. No headaches, paresthesias, weakness, dysarthria, or incontinence.
Pt. declines any mammograms or vaccines.
List of current Medication-I will not list because of the amount.
Past medical/Surgical Hx
Reported: Pregnancy" Gravida 3, para 3, and aborta 0.
Hypertension, GERD, IBS, Menopause approx 41 yrs of age-partial hysterectomy, hyperlipidemia, thyroid disorder s/p FNA, asthritis, anxiety disorder NOS, cancer squamous cell excised from rt thigh. Possible colovaginal fistula with chronic constipation. She was evaluated by another physician but declined repair of fistula & colostomy.
Surgical HX-once again-numerous
Social and Family Hx also listed.
Complete ROS
Exam: Vitals
General: General appearance-no acut distress
Skin: No rahsed of lesions
HEENT: Pupils round and reactive to light Extraocular muscles intact. Oropharynx is clear without erythema or exudate. Edentulous other than two bottom teeth.
Neck: Supple. No JVD or adenopathy. Thyroid not enlarged. No carotid bruits.
Heart: Regular. Normal S1, S2. No murmurs, gallops or rubs.
Liung: Clear to auscultation and percussion.
Breast: No palpable masses, skin changes, or nipple discharge. Axilla benign.
Abdomen: Soft. minimal tenderness with deep palpation. no hepatosplenomegaly. Active bowel sounds.
Pelvic/Rectal Exam: Deferred
Extremities: No peripheral edema, cyanosis or clubbing. No calf tenderness. Distal pulses grossly intact.
Neurologic: no focal motor or sensory deficits.
Test:Imaging: Bone Density Studies: Bone density studies were preformed 1/13/11 IMC
Well female physical
Palpitations, osteopenia, neurogenic bladder on alpha blockers, hypertension, IFG, bifascicular block, possible colovaginal fistula, deferring surgical intervention. Hx of ileostomy status post reverdal 2002
List of previos test were given. Providers List provided. Health Reminders Done.
Ok, here is my problem(after all of that) Patient was given a lab order for CMP, Lipid panel, TSH, Free T4, CPK, CBC with dx:401.9, 272.4,300.00, 503.81, 733.90.
labs were paid to the patient's deductable and now the patient is calling and complaining that these should have been billed as "Routine" so her insurance would paid at 100%.
What is your take on this. Please let me know and Thanks for your help in this matter.