Wiki sequential IV push

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Can you code/bill more than one claim line for 96375 for each additional
sequential IV push of the SAME substance after 30 minutes has lapsed in an
office setting?? We see 96376 for facility but cannot find info for office
Can you code/bill more than one claim line for 96375 for each additional
sequential IV push of the SAME substance after 30 minutes has lapsed in an
office setting?? We see 96376 for facility but cannot find info for office

NO, Outpatient Hospital setting are the only ones who can bill 96376.
No. 96376 is for Facilty only.

In the office setting, we add the total amount given for the drug and bill only one 96375 administration code. So, if you push 50mg of Benadryl once at 1pm and again at 2pm you would code it as 96375 + J1200 x2.

(HCPCS code J1200 up to 50mg)

Most of the time Benadryl is given at 25mg. So if the first push was 25mg at 1pm and the second push was 25mg at 2pm you would code it like this.
96375+J1200 x1.