Wiki Specialty Exam Sample tests?


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I am going to be sitting for my OBGYN specialty exam in a few weeks and was looking for some sample test to better prepare myself. I have the study guide but it only had about 10 questions. Does anyone know how I can get my hands on some sample tests? my email is: Any other resource/advice is welcomed and appreciated! Thank you
good luck ladies ! I've searched high and low for mock specialty tests - none to be found, anywhere! Not even in the study guides! Nothing that represents the test itself. Lots of example questions - but nothing that can give an idea of the sit down, timed test...
let me know if you do find some - I'll be sitting for the ORTHO specialty in November - doing everything I can to get extra practice.... I was actually thinking of putting all the questions I have together just to test "time wise", but it won't be the same as the test format I'm sure.