Wiki SX coding


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I heard from my provider that went to the AAOS meeing that Medicare will no longer pay for the subacrominal decompression the the artroscopy of the shoulder. I know that the code that I am looking at is the 29826. Has anyone out there heard that Medicare will not cover this code ?

Thank you
Sharon Martin
Contemporary Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Surgery
Oklahoma City, Ok
29826 is now an add on code and its RVU has dropped dramatically. You cannot bill 29826 by itself anymore. If it is the only procedure done, you would need to use the unlisted code and compare to 29826 and 2011 RVU. You also cannot bill 29826 if it is performed with open codes (only bill the open codes). Under 29826 in your CPT there is a list of other arthroscopic codes that you can bill 29826 with. :)