Wiki Telephone 99441-43


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I'm getting mixed information and wanted to know if anyone has a good source to rely on for coding guidelines of when to bill for telephone/audio only services?

I have providers trying to bill 99441-43 for results only, 5 min conversation per their documentation or provider returning a patients call in regards to when to come in and see them, 5 min conversation pre documentation

I thought we couldn't code 99441-43 for results only nor for appt discussion, can someone direct me to the right direction please.
Lori Cox writes in her article "Don't Let Telehealth Claims Derail Your Accuracy Rates:"
"The telephone codes state that the phone visit cannot be related to an E/M visit during the previous seven days, nor can it lead to the next available appointment for an E/M or other related service. You’re going to have to take an in-depth look at the patient’s chart to see if they have been seen in the previous seven days for a related issue. Look at the phone visit note to see if the provider states the patient must come in for the next available appointment. If so, the phone visit cannot be billed."