Wiki Thoracic Surgery help

Pam Warren

True Blue
Springvale, ME
Best answers
I am hoping to get some thoracic surgery advice from coders out there who are willing to share their expertise.

I have several questions, but will post them individually. I'm an E&M specialist who has been tasked with some interim coding for a thoracic surgeron. :confused: Here's one example:

The surgeon wants to bill for a Intercostal nerve block, which he performs himself, separate from anesthesia services This is usually done when additionally performing a thoracotomy. I've not been billing them (because he doesn't document the procedure), however when I meet with him again, I wanted to discuss whether or not we actually could bill it as a separate procedure, provided he documents. Can he bill for this?

Thanks in advance! Pam Brooks, PCS, CPC
According to the Medicare carriers manual, nerve blocks are part of the comprehensive procedure and it is inappropriate to bill together...hope this helps.
thoracic surgery help

Thanks, I was concerned that I was missing something. I'll print the reference from CMS, so I can provide the doc with the education. Have a good week. Pam
I don't agree

Pam, I've posted them in the past using 64420 and I get audited every quarter by company and have never had a problem. However, I did requiree to document it. If it wasn't documented in the body of the op-note, I didn't bill for it. It may be bundled w/ certain procedures so you will need to check your cci w/ each procedure.