Wiki Transesophageal Echocardiography POS

Tarzana, CA
Best answers
Do any of you have a link that supports the places of service that a transesophaegeal echocardiography can be rendered (Office? or only hospital / ASC setting). Speaking plainly, a physician wants to know if a TEE can be rendered at an office? or if Medicare pays for a TEE at a doctors office (POS 11).
Sure. I assume if you're doing it in the office your physician owns all the equipment. You would bill:


As far as a link that supports this I'm not sure where you could find that. We used to bill for these and Echo's (93306) in our office but now we refer to the hosptial and just bill for the Professional components.
Thanks for the reply - my question was not which codes to use, but rather if there was a preclusion from billing this service and receiving reimbursement in an office setting (POS 11).

In other words, what reference do we have to know which procedure is too invasive and is required to be performed in a hospital setting or a licensed ASC.

Moreover, why do you refer to the hospital? Is it because you were not getting paid in an office setting?

I hope that better explains the question I am asking: Are there any coders who bill for a TEE in an office and receive reimbursement from Medicare.