Our local hospital is going to hire several part time surgeons to perform surgeries through their ED. And they will no be around for the post op follow up so they want to send them to our General Surgeon for post op care. We are trying to figure out how to get our surgeon paid. The facility is not going to be billing the surgeons portion of the billing. They are only going to be billing the facility billing. Their will be not Global surgery billing done. So we will not be able to attach the 55 modifier to the CPT code to Medicare as they will not pay without the 54 part being billed as will. My question then is will we be able to bill an office visit with the V67 codes and not be denied as routine by insurances like Medicare or other carriers when we had nothing to do with the original service? Secondly, would our part of the post operative serice be covered by the original authorization number? Any thoughts or ideas out there by anyone who might have dealt with anything close to this kind of thing before?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.