this code is not payable by Medicare.
If your provider didn't place the sutures, (another provider NOT in his group did) and your provider is removing them - he should be coding an E/M (probably a low level) with the V-code suture removal. AND documentation so support his services of course!
If he did place them, and it's within the global and now he's removing them, he can't bill for that - period,'s a global no charge.
it's payment status indicator is "E" - that means - Items, codes and services:
1)that are not covered by Medicare based on Statutory Exclusion
2)that are no covered by Medicare for reasons other than Statutory Esclusion
3)that are not recognized by Medicare but for which an alternate code for the same item or service may be available
4)for which separate payment is not provided by Medicare
EXPLANATION: "not paid under OPPS"