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Have an adult patient who has severe developmental problems/autism who mother brought patient in as she is not using her left arm and left leg anymore patient mother does not believe there is pain; pts mother states pt did this approx 2 years ago and then eventually began using limbs again

My doc's dx is "left arm & leg volitional dysfunction"

dont really know what symptom could apply...paralysis? or autism code?

Anyone have any ideas?
ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 784.69
Other symbolic dysfunction
•loss of the ability to distinguish the significance of stimuli; may be auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, or gustatory.
•Inability to recognize, understand, or interpret sensory stimuli in the absence of sensory defects. Also, the selective loss of knowledge of specific objects due to emotional disturbance, as seen in schizophrenia, hysteria, or depression.
•Inability to write (letters, syllables, words, or phrases) due to an injury to a specific cerebral area or occasionally due to emotional factors.
•loss of ability to perform familiar, purposeful movements in the absence of paralysis or other neural sensorimotor impairment.
•Inability to execute complex coordinated movements resulting from lesions in the motor area of the cortex but involving no sensory impairment or paralysis.
•Form of aphasia involving impaired ability to perform simple arithmetic calculations.
This sound like any of the patient notes?
awesome...thank is perfect......doc didnt even give me the autism for sure it was "possibly"