Trending Resources

Trending Resources

An ongoing initiative at AAPC is to help contribute to the tools and resources members need to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively. AAPC members benefit from a monthly newsmagazine and regular e-Newsletters as well as powerful research tools and resources.

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Stay Current with Healthcare Business Monthly

Stay Current with Healthcare Business Monthly

Written by and for AAPC members, Healthcare Business Monthly is healthcare's largest and most respected industry journal with a circulation of more than 250,000 readers. The monthly publication highlights issues facing the industry of healthcare business and helps professionals keep up-to-date with emerging trends and concerns. A subscription to Healthcare Business Monthly is included with AAPC membership.

Keep Up with eNewsletters

Keep Up with eNewsletters

Healthcare Business Tips & Resources and ICD-10 Tips & Resources – regular e-Newsletters offer updates, news, and important developments on everything coding, billing, auditing, compliance, practice management, and ICD-10. AAPC membership includes these great resources to help you keep up on the evolving healthcare industry.

Research Tools and Resources

Research Tools and Resources

Once logged in at, members can utilize powerful search tools to help them find answers from hundreds of coding related websites and tens of thousands of pages of information. Members also have access to an archive of past articles from publications and direct links to more than 200 online resources. Websites are categorized to provide easy access to code, government, regulatory, compliance, and specialty-specific information. Finally, our private member forums are frequented by tens of thousands of healthcare professionals asking and answering questions and sharing information and resources.