Wiki Clarification with POS 02, 10, 11. (Telehealth).


Mingus, TX
Best answers
Good day. I am requesting clarification to the end to PHE where modifiers 02, 10, and 11 are concerned. I am so confused. What does it mean when it is described as "Medicare has told practitioners to use the place of service (POS) that would have been used if the patient was seen in person rather than POS 02 telehealth"? I am confused on when to use 02, vs 11? What constitutes "that would have been used if the patient was seen in person rather than POS 02 telehealth"? I do not know when to apply 02 vs 11 when reporting telehealth? I know this ends on 12-31-23.
I read an article from CodingIntel that states "Don't use 02 or 10 of you would have used POS 11 for the office service." If a patient completes a telehealth appointment at their office would we append modifier 02? If in their home, 10?
Just for confirmation, 93 is for audio only but we continue using 95 for audio/visual? I appreciate any information that can help clarify this for me.

Thank you so much! :)