It MAY be possible, depending on the carrier and some additional logistics setup.
With the same TaxID, it is not possible to be participating for one office visit and be out of network for another office visit.
With DIFFERENT TaxIDs, SOME payors will allow a clinician to be participating with only one of them. You would have to contact each carrier to determine this.
Even for payors that DO allow it, you also run into the issue about seeing a patient first for a "covered" service, then patient gets pregnant and then those visits wouldn't be covered. Only the patients being seen out of network would need Good Faith Estimates under the No Surprises Act (which I assume you are doing now anyway).
Just curious if you do submit claims on the patient's behalf as a courtesy as out of network. Or you have the patient pay and simply hand them an itemized receipt? If so, expect to have some of your out of network claims processed incorrectly as in network.
Is it possible? Yes, for some carriers.
Would I advise it? Absolutely not. There are so many things to go wrong.
If you did decide to try it, maybe try with just one or two carriers and see how that goes.