Wiki Placement of a tunneled chest tube(pleurex) CPT Code


Yorktown Heights, New York
Best answers
Can someone help me with correct CPT code for following procedure. 32557 or 32550. I am thinking it's 32557.

The procedure, alternatives, risks and possible complications
discussion was held with the patient consented freely. The role of
the personnel in the IR suite was explained in detail and informed
consent was obtained.

All elements of maximal sterile barrier technique were used(
including cap, mask, sterile gown, sterile gloves, large sterile
sheet, hand hygiene, 2%chlorhexidine for cutaneous antisepsis or
acceptable alternative antiseptics per current guidelines).

Under aseptic conditions, ultrasonic and fluoroscopic guidance. The
patient was injected an approximately 10 cc of 1% lidocaine skin and
soft tissues and within the left seventh intercostal space mid
clavicular line to achieve adequate pain control and intercostal
nerve block.

A small 2-3mm skin incision was made using a number 11 scalpel
followed by placement of a sheathed needle into the right pleural
space under sonographic guidance. A .35 J-wire was successfully
introduced. An approximately 5 cm tunnel was dissected and a Pleurx
catheter was cannulated via the tunnel. The Sheedy needle was
removed and the tract was dilated using serial dilators 14-French
followed by placement of the Pleurx catheter over a peel-away sheath
into the pleural space.

Skin incision site was sutured with a 3.0 vicryl suture
subcutaneously and secured with Dermabond. The skin exit site for
the catheter via the tunnel was secured with a 2/0 proline purse
string suture. Hemostasis achieved. Patient tolerated well.

At the end of procedure approximately 1500ml of serous fluid was
aspirated using closed drainage system
