ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

Reader Question:

Can You Send Chart Back Asking for Missing Critical Care Time?

Question: I have a question about critical care documentation. What is the general consensus regarding adding critical care minutes in an addendum due to coder review? Is there an industry norm for the time frame for adding critical care minutes after the date of service?

Is this a commonly acceptable practice? Could you provide any references regarding this specific topic both pro and con?

Thank you in advance for your time.

Massachusetts Subscriber

Answer: Groups vary based on their own compliance plan and coding policies with regard to the practice of a coder to sending a chart back that may meet the critical care threshold but lacks time documentation back to the physician for an addendum. Many groups prefer to use these charts for educational purposes. However, if an addendum is used there are several requirements. The addendum has to be within a reasonable time frame that the physician can remember the patient and hopefully draw on the medical record, including nursing notes to support actual critical care time provided.